This page is dedicated to the tools and resources for selecting, shopping and using foundation makeup. Most of the tools are 100% FREE. If they are not, I would indicate it. Please contact me if you have a great tool that you want to see added on this list.
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Foundation Color Matching Tools – How many times did you discover a new makeup foundation only to be stuck on the fact that you cannot match the shade of the new makeup with the one that you are currently using solves this problem by allowing users to match colors from different brands of makeup. For example, if you already know your shade in Estee Lauder, you can easily use this tool to find your color match for every other brand on the market! Sounds cool right? Furthermore, provides great VIDEO makeup tutorials that teach you all the basics from applying powder and base to selecting natural makeup. Be sure to check out their Tips and Trends page where you will find information for finding the right foundation, discovering your shade and other great articles.
Foundation Matrix by Temptalia – The Foundation Matrix is a very similar tool to This is is more specific for foundations and concealers and it’s the one that I find to be quite useful when I need a quick shake match. You have the option to match your existing shade or allow the tool to select your shade for you. One great feature of the tool is that it will allow you to select the type of foundation that you are looking for. You can choose liquid, pressed powder, BB cream, cream and tinted moisturizers. Another very similar tool is Findation which is worth checking out.
NARS Foundation Finder tool – If you don’t know the shade that you should be using, this tool can be your best friend. This fabulous tool allows you to select your skin shade, skin undertone, age, eye color, and hair color then match you with the best products. Recommendations include products for your face, eyes and lips. Needless to say, products that are recommended by this tool are by NARS. However, If you combine this tool with makeup matching tools like, you can easily expand the selection to other brands!
It’s also very important for me to note here that Giorgio Armani and Shisheido provides similar tools for their products as well. Checkout the, Giorgio Armani Foundation Founder tool and the Shiseido Foundation tool.
Detailed Tutorials – If you want to apply foundation correctly, you will need a good set of brushes. For starters, it is confusing to sort your set of brushes and to understand what each brush is for. StyleCaster provides one of the most complete guides on makeup brushes on the internet! It is a good place to get started for newbies who want to learn. After you read through the tutorial, you will have a good idea of what each brush is for and how to use them. – Over at Marieclaire, you will find one of the most comprehensive guides for applying makeup foundation. In the guide, detailed step-by-step instructions and high-resolution pictures show you exactly how you should be applying your foundation. Beyond makeup, also provides great material like fashion tips, celebrity news, career advice for women and so much more!
Health and Safety
Paula’s Choice Cosmetic Ingredients Directory – Have you ever read ingredients on the label of your foundation only to be confused by the meaning of those scientific words? If your answer is “YES”, then Paula’s Choice Cosmetic Ingredients Directory can help you. The directory is one of the best on the internet and is a database for hundreds of makeup ingredients. The directory will tell you what the ingredients is, whether or not it’s good for you and the categories of makeup that the ingredient is mostly used! This is a valuable tool the next time you go shopping for foundation.
EWG – EWG is a research organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment. They review and test hundreds of products and informs the public on smart product choices. If you are looking for healthy makeup foundations, check out EWG’s verified list of foundations first. If the foundation like you use or like is on the list, chances are that it is a safe and healthy product to use.
Campaign For Safe Cosmetics – The campaign for safe cosmetics has worked hard since 2004 to protect consumers, workers and the environment from cosmetic manufacturers of harmful cosmetic products. Check them out to learn more about safe cosmetic tips, chemicals of concern as well as US regulations around the cosmetic industry.
Bloggers – Tione is the editor over at BeautyThatWalks. She provides excellent tips for beauty, hair and makeup hauls. She also provides excellent and in-depth reviews on beauty and makeup products. Check out her blog now!