The Foundation Fairy Beauty and Wellness Connection
To provide you with the best Beauty and Wellness advice, we regularly connect with Professionals and Trusted Experts for opinion, instructions, and tips.
Our contributors include Dermatologists, Nurses, Nutritionists, Licensed Estheticians, Cosmetologists, Professional Makeup Artists, and more.
Click Here to meet our professional contributors.
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If you have prominent eyelids, you know how hard it is to put on the right amount of eye makeup because even the smallest amount of makeup could make your …
If you have sensitive skin, it would be a smart idea to go with brands that carry hypoallergenic products. A product that is hypoallergenic simply means that the product is …
Birthdays are a great occasion to dress up your best. But no matter how many sparking or glittery clothes you have in your wardrobe, it’s never enough to add something …
In this post, I have collected over 50 awesome makeup tutorials covering a wide range of makeup tricks and tips. On, we support diversity and we believe that every …
Jewelry and makeup are the two finishing touches that tie the look together, and they can be used to accentuate certain areas or highlight our best features. However, what many …