The Foundation Fairy Beauty and Wellness Connection
To provide you with the best Beauty and Wellness advice, we regularly connect with Professionals and Trusted Experts for opinion, instructions, and tips.
Our contributors include Dermatologists, Nurses, Nutritionists, Licensed Estheticians, Cosmetologists, Professional Makeup Artists, and more.
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If you are a beauty enthusiast like me, you may have read about a little bottle of laxative called Milk of Magnesia that has taken over the beauty community on …
A lot of my readers have been asking me how I use face scrub for my oily skin and in this post, I will share exactly that. In my professional …
One secret to improving your facial appearance is to have a chiseled jawline. Having a strong and chiseled jawline makes your face look slimmer and with more definition. There are …
Having acne on your forehead can be frustrating. It’s right smack in the front for face, is red and hurts to the touch. Most importantly, it’s not pleasant to look …
Having pimples on your nose is extremely annoying. After all, who wants to walk around looking like Rudolph the reindeer? In this post, we will go over some of the …